Home>ABMA standards list>ABMA 14212:1997(R2008) pdf free

ABMA 14212:1997(R2008) pdf free

ABMA 14212:1997(R2008) pdf free.Aerospace – Airframe ball bearings,single-row, rigid, sealed,torque tube design,extra-light duty一Inch series
This Intermational Standard specifies the characteristics, boundary dimensions, tolerances, intemal clearances and permissible loads of inch series, single-row, sealed, rigid, extra-light duty ball bearings of torque tube design used in airframe applications. These bearings are full complement (without cage) with a single row of balls and flling slot.These bearings are designed to withstand only slow rotations and oscillations under load and are intended for use between fixed and moving parts of an aircraft structure and their control surfaces.
The airframe ball bearings covered by this Intemational Standard are designed to operate in the temperature range of -54 °C to +150 °C.
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Intemationai Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Intemational Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of appiying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid international Standards.
Where cadmium plating is specified (code letters D, M and H), it shall be in accordance with ISO 2082. The external surfaces of bearing rings, except the bore of the inner ring, shall be cadmium plated. Plating on the internal surfaces shall be at the manufacturers option, except the raceways shall not be plated. The thickness of the plating shall not be less than 7 μm and not more than 15 um, except plating on the chamfers of the bore may vary from the specifed thickness. The bearing shall be embritlement-relieved within 4h of plating by heat treatment at 140°C±10 °C for a minimum of 8 h followed by chromate treatment in accordance with ISO 4520 (code letters Dand Honly).ABMA 14212 pdf free download.

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