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ABMA 10285:2009 pdf free

ABMA 10285:2009 pdf free.Rolling bearings一Sleeve type linear ball bearings一Boundary dimensions and tolerances
difference between the largest and the smallest of the radial distances between the outside surface of the cylindrical outer sleeve and the centreline of the bore diameter of ball complement
sleeve type linear ball bearing in which the outer sleeve is continuous or virtually continuous, whereby adjustment of clearance between the bore diameter of ball complement and a shaft is achieved, in most cases,by selection of the housing fit, a shaft diameter and the bore diameter of ball complement of the bearing
sleeve type linear ball bearing which has elastic features which permit mechanical adjustment of the clearance between the bore diameter of ball complement and a shaft
sleeve type linear ball bearing in which a longitudinal section is removed to provide clearance over a shaft and shaft support rail unit
The degrees of precision to which linear ball bearings are manufactured are defined as tolerance classes L9,L7, L7A, L6, L6A, L6J and L6JA. The tolerance values are tabulated in Tables 2 to 8. For an overview of the basis for the tolerance values, see Annex A.
Tables 2 to 8 have been established on the basis of listing all the linear ball bearing tolerances for a given nominal bore diameter of ball complement (Fw).
一Tolerance class L9 shall be applicable to series 1, closed and adjustable sleeve type bearings.
一Tolerance classes L7 and L6 shall be applicable to series 1 and 3, closed sleeve type bearings.
一Tolerance classes L7A and L6A shall be applicable to series 3, open and adjustable sleeve type bearings.
一Tolerance class L6J shall be applicable to series 5, closed sleeve type bearings.
一Tolerance class L6JA shall be applicable to series 5, open and adjustable sleeve type bearings.
For the proper functioning and performance of sleeve type linear ball bearings, it is essential that they are matched with shafts having dimensional and geometrical tolerances that are matched to the size and series of the sleeve type linear ball bearing being used. Full details for the shafts suitable for use with the sleeve type linear ball bearings in this International Standard are specified in ISO 13012.ABMA 10285 pdf free download.

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