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ABMA 15242-3:2012 pdf free

ABMA 15242-3:2012 pdf free.Rolling bearings – Measuring methods for vibration
Other speeds and tolerances may be used by agreement between the manufacturer and the customer; e.g. it may be necessary to use a higher speed for bearings in the smaller size range [20 s-1 to 30s-1 (1 200 r/min to 1 800 r/min)] in order to obtain an adequate vibration signal. Conversely, it may be necessary to use a lower speed for bearings in the larger size range [7,5s-1 to 10s-1 (450 r/min to 600 r/min)] to avoid possible roller, rib and raceway damage.
NOTE Other frequency ranges may be considered by agreement between the manufacturer and the customer in those instances where specific ranges have greater importance to successful operation of the bearing.The use of spectral analysis of the vibration signal is an alternative.
Detection of peaks or spikes in the time domain velocity signal, usually due to surface defects and/or contamination in the test bearing, may be considered as a supplementary option by agreement between the manufacturer and the customer. Various evaluation methods exist depending on the bearing type and the application.
The spindle (including the mandrel) used to hold and drive the bearing inner ring shall be so designed and constructed that, except for transmittal of rotary motion, it represents essentially a rigid reference system for the inner ring axis. The transmission of vibration between the spindle/mandrel arrangement and the bearing inner ring in the frequency band used shall be negligible by comparison to the velocities measured (in cases of dispute, precise values shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the customer).
The loading system used to apply load to the bearing outer ring shall, ideally, be designed and constructed so that it leaves the ring essentially free to vibrate in all radial, axial, angular or flexural modes according to the bearing type.ABMA 15242-3 pdf free download.

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