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ABMA 4:1994(R2013) pdf free

ABMA 4:1994(R2013) pdf free.Tolerance Definitions and Gauging Practices for Ball and Roller Bearings
nominal bearing width, B, C, or T (radial bearing): Distance between the two theoretical ring faces designated to bound the bearing width.
NOTE – The nominal bearing width is generally the reference value (basic dimension) for deviations of the actual bearing width.Symbol B is used where the nominal width is the distance between the inner ring faces, as well as where inner and outer rings are equally wide and their faces nominally flush. Symbol C is used where the nominal width is the distance between the outer ring faces (providing symbol B is not applicable). Symbol T is used where the nominal width is the distance between one inner ring face and the outer ring face on the opposite side.
actual bearing width, T. (radial bearing where one inner ring face and one outer ring face are designated to bound the bearing width): Distance between the points of intersection of the bearing axis and the two planes tangential to the actual ring faces designated to bound the bearing width.
NOTE – For a single row tapered roller bearing this is the distance between the points of intersection of the bearing axis and two planes, one tangential to the actual back face of the cone and one tangential to that of the cup,
the cone and cup raceways and the cone back face rib being in contact with all the rollers.
asynchronous radial runout of assembled bearing inner ring, Kaa (radial bearing): Difference between the largest and the smallest of the radial distances between a fixed point on the outside surface of the outer ring relative to any fixed point on the bore surface of the inner ring when measured with multiple inner ring revolutions, in either direction, and with the rolling elements in contact with both inner and outer ring raceways and (in a tapered roller bearing) the cone back face rib, the bearing parts being otherwise in normal relative positions. This is also referred to as non-repetitive radial run out.ABMA 4 pdf free download.

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