Home>ABMA standards list>ABMA 24 1:1989-R1999 pdf free

ABMA 24 1:1989-R1999 pdf free

AlI bearings and components in this standard are not necessarily available. For availability, consult bearing manufacturers.
Other Applicable standards should be consulted for tolerance definitions, gaging practices and meth-ods of evaluating load ratings.
This standard only covers extermal dimensions.Functional interchangeability between different makes of standard bearings or components of the same size may depend on bearing features which are not standardized. Hence, the substitution of one make of standard bearing for another should only be made after careful comparison of their charac-teristics and consideration of the requirements of the particular application.
This code identifies and, as far as possible,describes each thrust bearing or component on the basis of complete dimensional interchangeability.
This code establishes a universal language for describing and identifying metric design thrust bear-ings and components of the types covered in this standard in order to facilitate communications between the user and the manufacturer. The code is also intended to simplify the handling by user personnel of identical bearings made by different manufacturers, whose identification numbers may be different.
This code applies only to those thrust bearings or components whose boundary dimensions and tol-erances conform to this standard.
The identification code for thrust bearings of ball,cylindrical roller and spherical roller types of metric design is made up of three parts:
1. A one, two, three or four digit number iden-tifying the bearing bore in millimetres.
2. The letter T identifying a thrust bearing fol-lowed by one or two arbitrarily chosen let-ters identifying the type of thrust bearing as
shown in Table 1 and 2.
3. An arbitrarily chosen two digit number iden-tifying the bearing series within its class as shown in Table 3.
bore diameter of shaft washer, single direction bearing, nominal single plane mean bore diameter devia-tion of central shaft washer, single direc-tion bearing outside diameter of shaft washer, single direction bearing, nominal.ABMA 24 1 pdf free download.

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