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ABMA 13411:1998 pdf free

ABMA 13411:1998 pdf free.Aerospace一Airframe needle roller,cylindrical roller and track roller bearings一Technical specification
This International Standard specifies the required characteristics, inspections and tests, quality assurance and conditions for qualification, static radial loads, acceptance and delivery conditions for needle roller, needle track roller and cylindrical roller bearings used as airframe rolling bearings designed to withstand, under load, slow rotations and small oscilations only.
This International Standard is applicable to all airframe needle roller, needle track roller and cylindrical roller bearings referred to in the referenced International Standards or in a design specification.The fact that a bearing is not included in this International Standard does not preclude it from being used to advantage in airframe applications.
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the timne of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Intermational Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISo maintain registers of currently valid Intemational Standards.
ISO 1132:1980, Rolling bearings一Tolerances一Definitions.
ISO 2859-1:-”, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes一Part 1: Sampling plans indexed by acceptable quality level (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection.
ISO 4288:1996,Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS)- Surface texture: Profile method- Rules and procedures for the assessment of surface texture.
ISO 5593:1997, Rolling bearings一Vocabulary.
ISO 6507-1:1997, Metallic materials一Vickers hardness test一Part 1: Test method.
For the purposes of this Intemational Standard, the definitions given in ISO 5593 apply. Definitions of the concepts to which the tolerances specifed in this Intemational Standard apply are given in Iso 1132. Additional definitins which are particular to airframe needle roller bearings are given in3.1 to 3.9.
full complement bearings with rlling elements running on a flanged and extemally threaded stud, and with outer ring rlling on a track or cam track
bearings in which the rlling elements and raceways are enclosed by contact seals (i.e. seals ftted to one ring and extending to the other ring with which they make sliding contact).ABMA 13411 pdf free download.

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