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ABMA-BOILER 402 pdf free

ABMA-BOILER 402 pdf free.Boiler Water Quality Requirements and A ssociated Steam Quality for Industrial/Commercial and Institutional Boilers
No matter how carefully a system is installed, certain extraneous materials do find their way inadvertently into the system during construction. Pipe dope, thread cutting oil,soldering flux, rust preventatives, slushing compounds, core sand, welding slag and dirt,sand, gravel or clays from the job site are usually found. Although the proportions of these contaminants may be small, there are sufficient quantities to break down chemically during the operation of the system causing gas formation and acidic system water.
Hot water systems must operate with a pH above 8.5. A system that has a pH below 8.5 will usually develop the following problems:
1. Gas formation (air trouble)
2. Pump seal and gland problems
3. Air vents sticking and leaking
4. Frequent relief valve operating
5. Piping leaks at joints
Once any of these conditions exist, the problems continue until corrected by cleaning.Many times, because of the gas formation, automatic air vents are added throughout the system to attempt a cure. The promiscuous use of automatic vents can defeat the function of the air elimination system. In a normal system, the small quantities of air finding their way to the system and piping must be returned to the expansion tank to maintain the balance between the air cushion and the water volume. Note that when a bladder-type expansion tank is used the manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed with regard to the venting of air.
Much of the dirt and contamination in a new hot water system can be flushed out prior to chemical cleaning of the system. This is accomplished (see figure 3 for flushing arrangement piping on following page) by first flushing the system to waste with clear water followed by a chemical wash.
The boiler and circulating pump are isolated with valves. City water is allowed to flush through successive zones of the system to waste, carrying chips, dirt, pipe joint compound, etc., with it. This is followed by a chemical flush. Removal of pipe chips and other debris before opening the isolating valves to the boiler and pump will help to protect this equipment from damage by this debris.ABMA-BOILER 402 pdf free download.

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